Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Starting Over

     I have completely dropped my blog.  I became frustrated with my computer issues and with other things going on with life, it just didn't seem like a priority.  I am going to try again because when I was having to post on the blog I was involved more in my artistic and creative endeavors.  Most of them have fallen by the wayside as well. 

     I started after reading a book, surprise, surprise.  The premise of the book was to do something artistic or creative on a daily basis and document it.  Being me, I took it a bit too seriously.  The gentleman who wrote the book had a single focus.  He created a skull from some king of material everyday.  If I had a single focus that would be easier, but that just seems boring.  I know what you're thinking!  What about dogs, Jeanette?  You love dogs!  True, I do.  However, I am no where near talented enough to create a dog out various materials.  Can I sketch one?  Yes, but it's hard.  I did try to make a dog's head in a pottery class once.  It ended up being a jalapeno pepper.  That should give you an idea of where my other artistic abilities lie. So, the plan is to do something creative maybe once a week, rather than everyday, and it will not have to be a major production EVERY time such as quilted table runner or painting.  Maybe I will just post a recipe that I created or an idea.  Even if an idea doesn't always come to fruition, doesn't mean it isn't creative.  I have had great creative ideas ignored by administrators many times.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

51 Books in 9 Months

I have never been able to read this many books of my own choosing EVER! 

So they are:

49. The Scorch Trials
50.  The Art of  Racing in the Rain (A Dog's Purpose is so much better!)
51. Until Tuesday

Monday, June 6, 2011

Couldn't Stop.

I know that I should be creating more but I couldn't stop reading.  I actually AM supposed to read for my job anyway and it is one of the things I like about it.  So here are four more books that I read during the month of May. 

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (Interesting ending but the rest, meh.)
The Summer Knight by Jim Butcher
The Maze Runner (very good)
The Grave Tattoo by Val McDermid (first one of hers that I didn't care for)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Books for Three Months

I didn't meet my goal for the months of February through April, as I suspected I wouldn't.  I read a total of 13 books in three months which averages to 4 per month.  That's pitful compared to the average of 9 per month that I averaged before, however, since I did accomplish other things I am not disappointed! The last books I read were :

11. The Help by Kathryn Stockett (If you haven't read it, do so!  It's fantastic.  It is one of the best books I've read in a while. 
12.  Hostage to the Devil by Martin Malachai  (Heavy Theology book)
13.  Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris  (I definitely don't like this writer.)

So, I have read a total of 44 books for the year, for an average of 5.5 books per month.  (I started in September.  So from September to April.)  Not too shabby...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Two More Books To Add

Even though I won't make my goal of 30 books, I have been reading a greatlately.  I have taken a break from working on my art work.  I haven't had opportunity to due much reading unless it was related to art or creativity.  One of the good things about working at Barnes & Noble is the unlimited access to books.   I am able to read some books for free, others at a great discount.  So I want to read a great deal while I have the chance.
10.  The Beginner’s Guide to Edible Herbs by Charles W.G. Smith
11.  Soul Mapping by Nina Frost, Dr. Kenneth C. Ruge

Sunday, April 17, 2011

More Reading

We are half way through April.  That being written...I know that I will not be completing my reading goal as I read rather quickly but there is no way that I will be able to reach by goal of 30 books in three months.  Due to my art projects I have only been able to read 12 thus far.  Needless to say I won't be reading more than 15 books in 2 weeks. Not until I finish reading my other two books, Evelyn Woods Speed Reading and Speed Reading the Easy Way.  (Yes, I actually do have the books but they are more like workbooks.  You have to set time aside and work at this skill.  Which, of course, I have not done yet!)

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
Me Talk Pretty One Day By David Sedaris
Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris (This guy is whacked!)
The Girl WHo Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Steig Larsson.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reading List Update

Due to the art work I have been doing, I haven't read nearly as much as I had been during the fall.  That doesn't really bother me.  As long as I am accomplishing something I am happy.
 6.  Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
 7.  The Butterfly Gardener’s Guide by Claire Hagen Doyle
8.  Darker Domain by Val McDermid
9.  Caffeine for the Creative Mind